`The story leaves its reader warm hopeful and able look forward to the future’. The Wolf`s Present is a beautiful story about child’s sickness and recovery. It is told through the eyes of a little bear who must see a doctor; the wolf. How can the wolf convince the little bear to endure a long treatment that hurts in the moment but cures in the future? The Wolf’s Present is an engaging journey through the event that alters the daily life of many families. Harsh medication long stays in the hospital and being away from parents and loved ones alter the life of the child and the entire family. Patience and trust are needed to save a young life. The book will serve as a psychological lifeline for young cancer patients and children battling a long-term sickness. The Wolf`s Present is planned together with the parents of a seriously ill child a psychologist and health care professionals. It pays attention to the feelings and experiences of the whole family. Adults can help the sick child and his siblings to handle emotions in a frightening situation which is difficult to understand and accept. It also helps the children to build trust to the treatments and carers. In spite of a serious theme the book contains much light and many joyful moments – ’a secretly wise book’. Satu kertoo kahdesta karhunpennusta joista toinen sairastui ja mitä kaikkea sitten tapahtui ja kuinka karhunpentu parani. Kirjassa eläydytään sairaan karhunpennun ja sen perheen tunteisiin sairauden aikana. Viisaan hoitajan roolissa on aluksi hieman pelottava susi. Suden lahjan kirjoittaja on opettaja ja kirjailija Ilona Tomi. Kuvittaja on taideterapeutti ja nukketeatteritaiteilija Anna-Liisa Tarvainen.
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