Mechanisms of Hope – Maintaining the Dream of The Rational Organization

Mechanisms of Hope – Maintaining the Dream of The Rational Organization

Organizations cannot avoid deviating from the hierarchical-rational model – not only because it is in fact useful to do so but also because it is vital for organizational survival in complex environments. Läs mer Organizations have traditionally been seen as hierarchical and rational. In the last few decades this conception has come under mounting criticism. Organizations should rather be seen as loosely joined up systems more controlled from the bottom and the outside than from the top. This book takes the argument one step further: not simply explaining why the hierarchical-rational model does not work but why it remains popular despite its lamentable track record. Om författarna Nils Brunsson is Professor of Management at the University of Uppsala.

Läs mer om Mechanisms of Hope – Maintaining the Dream of The Rational Organization

Mechanisms of Hope – Maintaining the Dream of The Rational Organization

Ekonomi & Juridik

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