This book is an English translation of the Swedish Driving Handbook for driving pupils in Sweden.Driving Handbook is a complement for the Driving Licence Book. By using the Driving Handbook your driving lessons become more structural. It helps you preparing your driving lessons.The Driving Handbook follows the 16 tuition modules that almost every driving school in Sweden is complying with. Each module is introduced with a description of the objective. You are also told how to prepare for the lesson.Bring the Handbook with you to all lessons. You and your instructor will use it on many occasions when something needs to be explained. If there is something you don?t understand, discuss it with your driving instructor.Use the Handbook when you are practising at home as well.————————————————Detta är en engelsk översättning av Körhäftet för den som ska ta ett B-körkort. Körhäftet hör ihop med Körkortsboken och det innehåller körövningar och arbetsuppgifter till körningen. Körhäftet ger en struktur åt körutbildningen och det hjälper eleven att förbereda sig inför körlektionerna.
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