Beautiful Earth: Our Planet Explored from Above

Beautiful Earth: Our Planet Explored from Above

Beautiful Earth är en bok som visar hur vår planet ser ut från himlen. Från fascinerande molnformationer som fångas av vädersatelliter till utbrott av vulkaner och sandstormar för att nämna ett par exempel, ingen aktivitet på vår planet kan döljas från ’himlens’ ögon. Boken är på engelska så därav kommer en mer utförlig engelsk beskrivning nedan. Beautiful, constantly changing yet endangered: this is what our planet looks like from the skies. Beautiful Earth offers a completely new viewpoint on our well-known globe. From fascinating cloud formations caught by weather satellites to erupting volcanoes, sand storms or urban developments with all environmental issues they cause, no activity on our planet can be hidden from the ’heavenly eyes.’ This book pays tribute both to the splendour of Earth with its ever-changing facets, and to human genius, which made the observation of each and every corner of the planet possible. Beautiful Earth does not only contain captivating and intriguing pictures, it also provides a wealth of information on how to predict the weather, use data in aviation, geophysics, nutritional predictions, and many other sciences.

Läs mer om Beautiful Earth: Our Planet Explored from Above

Beautiful Earth: Our Planet Explored from Above


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